Friday, November 6, 2009


I enjoy "Coast To Coast AM." It used to be "The Art Bell Show" and Art had to step down. Now George Noory is the main host.

Coast To Coast is the most listened to radio show in the world. Many guests are intelligent and worthy individuals whom bring a very different and new look at current events.

Most of what you hear on "Coast" you will not hear on any other "common" network. The likes of CNN or CTV or CBC or CBS or FOX and so on.

Some days you may tune in and the topic is not anything of interest to you. Other times you will listen and you simply do not agree with what is being offered. That's fine. There will be a majority of days when you cannot believe what you are hearing but that what you are hearing makes perfect sense.

You are not alone when you listen to - and enjoy - "Coast."

Another informative website is Above Top Secret. Here you will find thoughts and information that is unavailable anywhere else. Much may be hearsay - but a lot is extremely informative with links and references to back the stories.

Enjoy these for starters.

Once you have listened to "Coast" for a few weeks you are starting down the right path.

The path that leads away from all the negative and nonsense going on in the world.

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